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Supporting Mental Health & Wellbeing at Home


Supporting physical and mental wellbeing is an important aspect of a child’s personal development, and as a school it is an area we value greatly. Furthermore, the Aspire Academy Trust is committed to supporting positive mental health* and the Aspire Mental Health Policy is available below.


*The ‘Leading a Mentally Healthy School’ training programme has been developed by Health Education England (HEE) and the School Development Support Agency (SDSA), in partnership with an expert group of educational psychologists, education consultants and mental health organisations and responds to the areas highlighted in the recent Green Paper – ‘Transforming Children & Young People’s Mental Health Provision’ (December 2017).

Wellbeing Team

Should you have any enquiries or need further support our school Wellbeing Team is made up of: Mental Health School Lead, Ms Nia Thorpe, SENDCo Mrs Sarah Dingle, Lunchtime Supervisor and TA, Mrs Emma Reynolds, School Administrator, Mrs Sofie Lowe, Education Mental Health Practitioner, Mrs Tracey Weller and our school TiS practitioner, Mrs Nicola Luxton.

Parent Wellbeing Workshops

Please keep your eye out for parent wellbeing workshops which will support you with activities and resources to utilise at home. Below are links to activities shared in previous workshops.


Within our school, children have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum, and key objectives around physical and mental wellbeing are linked to the school’s Tree of Being. Below are useful downloads and links that relate to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing for your child and your family under the headings from our Tree of Being. Please use these to help support your children's needs at home.


Seeds: Self-worth 

Roots: Vitality

Trunk: Thoughts and feelings

Branches: Relationships

Leaves: Resilience

Blossom: Hope

Other Useful Links:

Tintagel Primary School
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