NURSERY PLACES AVAILABLE - Please contact us or complete an 'expression of interest form' to arrange a visit.


Welcome to Tintagel Nursery which opened in September 2023, welcoming existing Tintangels Pre-School children and those new to a nursery setting.

Tintagel Nursery is an integral part of the school community working within the framework of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and welcomes  children from the age of 2 years.

Tintagel Nursery offers an exciting and vibrant learning environment with a positive ethos and a warm family atmosphere that welcomes both children and their parents.  We have well-qualified, experienced, caring staff on standby who enable us to provide the very best in pre-school nursery education.  Our children are continually encouraged to explore new experiences, discuss and develop their interests and celebrate their wonderful ideas and cultural backgrounds.

We are very lucky to be situated within the grounds of the main school, in the former Tintangels' building so we have access to all the main school equipment, including the playground, fields, garden and pond area and the hall for PE.

Our application form ("Expression of Interest") for new parents to complete is at the link below.  Once this digital form is received a member of the Tintagel team will be in touch to confirm session availability. 

Tintagel Primary School
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