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English, Drama and Performance

Enrichment, Expectation and Ownership an English Curriculum Driven by Excellence


It is our core belief that all children should experience success and enjoyment in speaking, listening, reading and writing - and this comes directly from the expectation that they should have ownership of the process from the outset. We aim to enrich their language experience through the provision of an environment filled with opportunities to question, plan, draft and evaluate their own and each-others' work, thereby involving them in a cycle of choice and self-review which will empower them as positive, independent, articulate learners for life.


At Tintagel Primary School we recognise the acquisition and development of language skills as a fundamental part of children's learning. It constitutes a driving force in the development of thought, learning and creativity across our Enquiry Curriculum and, in this capacity, must play a significant role in all learning situations. As a result, English is given a high priority in the life of the school and is embedded at the very heart of our learning. Through each of its forms - speaking and listening, reading and writing - it is truly cross-curricular and as such embodies all that is central to and progressive in our thinking.



We believe that, through language, we develop an individual's potential for effective interaction with the world at large and the capacity for reflection and a sense of self. It is the tool by which we are able to look both beyond ourselves and within ourselves.


Crucially, we understand that language development cannot be assumed, it must be planned for thoughtfully and thoroughly, reflecting meticulous attention to structure and progression. Children come to our school with widely varying degrees of knowledge about language. It is our belief that, at each stage of their development, children should be given the opportunity to experience a variety of real contexts in which to practise, apply and extend their skills so that they become competent communicators, articulate collaborators and reflective thinkers.

Drama and Theatre at Tintagel Primary School


Drama is a process of shared experience, and theatre a product of that process. Theatre arises when an audience is involved in the drama process, thus developing the drama by introducing observers and an awareness of watching, rather than simply experiencing.


A range of contexts, possibilities for groupings, involvement with other members of the school, and wider community, are built into our framework for drama. Opportunities for drama are woven into the everyday fabric of teaching and learning at Tintagel Primary School. It is a shared language for shaping our thinking, rehearsing our writing and harnessing our imagination. Drama is sometimes an outcome in its own right, but more often a vehicle for developing understanding in another curriculum area.


We at Tintagel see it as a powerful tool for unlocking learning potential.


The following strands are used as overarching themes in our drama curriculum and provide structure for the progression of skills and competencies throughout the school:


  • speaking for different audiences 
  • Listening and responding (both face to face and in broadcast material)
  • Discussion and group interaction (in different settings with different levels of formality)
  • Drama (including improvisation and working in role, as well as writing and performing scripted drama)

These areas are all essential in ensuring that the quality of English and Communication skills is upheld in every aspect of school life.

Aims of our Drama Curriculum


We teach drama to:

  • Develop pupils' self-confidence and sense of self-worth by creating a supportive and constructive learning environment
  • Develop pupils' respect and consideration for each other by encouraging turn-taking, acknowledgement of ideas, appropriate and safe behaviour, and focused listening
  • Develop imaginative and creative processes and responses by involving pupils in a range of drama methods and activities
  • Develop the capacity to express ideas and feelings through drama by encouraging constructive responses to drama work, sharing ideas and selecting powerful dramatic methods
  • Provide opportunities to see and hear different types of performance such as 'teacher in role' and 'freeze-framing'.
  • Develop the ability to work constructively within a group, using skills of leadership, discussion, negotiation and the blending of different ideas
  • Develop oral and physical skills, including using language and movement appropriate to role
  • Enable children to reflect on different viewpoints and understand the concept of empathy
  • To offer pupils the opportunity to experience aspects of theatre by rehearsing and presenting their work to others
  • Develop script reading and script writing skills through structured activities

The learning of drama is enhanced in a variety of ways by visits from touring theatre companies, and theatre in education practitioners such as drama specialists and story tellers. Opportunities to perform in a range of contexts both within and beyond school through class assemblies, drama workshops, partnerships and community performances enable children to enhance their skills.

Tintagel Primary School
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